Case Study: Security Steps Every Start-Up Should Follow


The internet age makes it easy for startup companies to launch their ideas and turn them into successful enterprises. However, cyber criminals can also use this highly accessible tool to their advantage. On May 12th, 2017, more than 200,000 computers in over 150 countries around the world were encrypted and held for ransom. The infection spread like wildfire through network vulnerabilities that were patched by Microsoft just 2 months prior. Consequently, the WannaCry ransomware attack has become recognized as a far more dangerous cyber attack than any other data breach that businesses had ever encountered before. Unfortunately, WannaCry was only one obstacle in a long and constant battle against cyber crime.

5 Ways Start-Ups can Prevent Cyber Attacks

Cyber attacks do not only target large corporations. Small businesses are also highly susceptible to cyber attacks, and a security breach can have a detrimental effect on the business moving forward. We understand that most startups cannot afford to allocate a majority of their funds for security. If you are in the early stages of setting up your business, you may even be under the false notion that there is very little for criminals to steal in the first place. However, it is important that you assess the risks and formulate a security plan so your business is prepared as it continues to grow and prosper.

Here is an example of how a tech start-up has adopted an efficient, cost-effective security strategy to protect their business as it forges ahead on a solid growth path. With managed security services from GlassHouse Systems, the company, Acme Tech follows these protocols and preventive measures:

  1. Back up Data – Data can be easily retrieved through a backup. Regular tests are performed to ensure that the restoration process is reliable. The company also ensures that backups are not permanently connected to the computers and networks they are storing information from.
  2. Configure Computer System – Firewalls have been set up and a centralized patch is used that operates from the main computing system. If a security incident does occur, these obstacles will make it more difficult for a cyber criminal to gain access to the company’s private files and documents.
  3. Separate Networks – Malware may be easily spread if every computer runs on the same network, as was the case with the recent WannaCry attack. Separating networks helps prevent the entire system from being compromised.
  4. Implement a Training Program – Security breaches are often the result of human error. Acme Tech has trained employees to recognize suspicious activity and become familiar with the safety protocols should a situation arise. Employee access is limited and only certain files and documents are permitted to those who need the information to perform their job. Lastly, every employee inbox features spam filters to prevent phishing, and pop-up blockers are installed for certain sites.
  5. Anti-virus Technology – Acme Tech uses the most up-to-date anti-virus technology. While this may be the most costly safeguard within the company’s security posture, anti-virus software can recognize malicious activity and will block malware from infecting their computers. Thus, the company will save money and ultimately their business if an incident occurs in the future.

* Name changed to protect client confidentiality.

Protect Your Business with Help from a MSSP 

At GlassHouse Systems, we have over 25 years of experience in evaluating, designing, and managing advanced IT infrastructures. While our work has been recognized with several industry leading awards, we are also proud to deliver an equally positive customer experience.

Contact us to learn more or leave a comment below for more information on how to prevent security breaches and attacks. Our managed security experts work diligently to provide you with the best service so you can find effective solutions to protect your small business and start up company.

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