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Backup to
the future

Get worry-free automated data protection for your organization's data. Scale your service up and down as your data fluctuates, and comply with the latest data privacy standards and security requirements.

Backup as a Service

GlassHouse Systems utilizes best-of-breed backup technologies to deliver a fully managed Backup as a Service (BaaS) offering that encompasses on-premises, private, public and hybrid cloud environments. This provides the most reliable, cost-effective, and secure backup service available today.

Our BaaS offering includes one or more of the following:

  • Defining the RPO/RTO objectives and retention policies to meet your business and regulatory requirements.
  • Setting up the backup and archive service with flexibility, using your existing infrastructure and tools, or having GlassHouse Systems provide it to you on-premises or in the Cloud.
  • Pay-by-TB backup models are based on one copy, two copies in different sites, and/or a Cloud archive.
  • Detecting and alerting you to ransomware enables you to roll back data prior to the ransomware attack.
  • Setting up Role-based access controls to ensure that only authorized users have access to the functionality and data.
  • Ensuring encryption and security for business and regulatory requirements such as PIPEDA and GDPR.

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Explore and learn more from our latest content, articles, research papers and events recordings.

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