Secure Your Information Protection with Managed Security
You have a solid IT security system in place. You are compliant with the necessary regulations and requirements and you trust in your security provider.
Why not take things a step further?
Data collection and information storage only stands to grow in the coming years, and being prepared with the right cyber security can save you time, money, and your reputation down the line. Pushing past required guidelines for a more reliable IT infrastructure and truly protected information will only enhance your operations and assure future successes.
Why wait? The cost of data breaches in Canada alone have increased in recent years, climbing from $5.32 million to $6.03 in the past year. It has also been estimated that the number of incidents increased 64% between 2015 and 2014. Now is the perfect time to extend your organization’s efforts and establish a solid security system.
3 IT Security Focus Areas that will Take You Further than Compliance
Hackers, phishing, and other security threats are constantly evolving. Unfortunately, guidelines to remain compliant don’t always get updated at the same rate. Security solutions, on the other hand, are continuously updated to thwart these current and developing issues.
Here are 3 key considerations for managed security that can help you create a comprehensive and functional cyber protection model:
What data breach would have the biggest impact?
Studies have shown that the most difficult consequence to recover from may not be the actual information loss. For many industries, it is consumer trust and public perception. You may be able to retrieve lost files or revert data modifications, but the greatest financial loss can occur from lost business.
Consider which data streams would cause the most trouble externally and, if you can’t tackle everything at once, start with protecting those areas. Preventing the breach with up-to-date IT security and investing in sound information protection is crucial to maintain the brand you have built.
What is going out and what is new?
Affiliate clients, service providers, and other professional contacts may not have the same high standards when it comes to information security. Don’t be shy about asking them questions and, if necessary, implement your own secure channels for exchanging information.
New applications can create a similar, unexamined grey area and should not be overlooked in an IT analysis. Compliance guidelines may not yet cover the changes your business has undergone in the past year. Take a proactive stance and investigate other comprehensive products and services for security.
How are internal operations protected?It is natural to focus on external threats, but taking time to consider how internal communications, file sharing, and data destruction are being handled may highlight more potential risks than you initially considered. Employees may be using different methods to increase productivity and efficiency, but they need to be secure. Don’t overlook this key component of data circulation and IT security when it comes time to create an inclusive plan.
Sensitive product information and client data deserve attention and strategic planning. Take advantage of your foresight and use the opportunity to move away from reactive strategies. Position your company with a predictive and carefully considered IT solution.
Simple-to-understand, efficient security options are available to give you assurance that any future cyber security risks and data protection can be handled effectively with ease. Work with infrastructure experts who can customize security to fit industry and enterprise requirements and go beyond basic industry compliance.