Top 5 Mistakes Users Make to Unknowingly Compromise their Security

Keep Your Information Private by Avoiding These Common Security Blunders

Experts say that hacking and cyber attacks are becoming increasingly common, but the average internet user remains unconcerned about security threats. The mindset is too often “it won’t happen to me,” and users neglect to take all the necessary precautions to protect their online personal information.

Underestimating the importance of internet security is a dangerous mistake. The damage from information or identity theft can be disastrous and long-lasting. Fortunately, you can protect yourself by avoiding a few simple mistakes.

The Biggest Security Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

As a company that specializes in IT security, we know that the most risky mistakes are often the easiest to make. You could unknowingly be putting your security at risk with any one or a combination of some common mistakes.

Here are the top five mistakes that can compromise your security:

1. Using the Same Password for Multiple Accounts

Experts agree that this is the most common mistake that leads to a security threat. Many people use the same password for many accounts, which means that if one account is compromised, all of them are at risk for hacking. An easy solution is to use a password generator, which will give you a secure password for each account. This also might be a good idea if, like many people, you use passwords that are easy to guess, such as a sports team or family names.

2. Accessing an Account Using an Email Link

Phishing emails are another way you can compromise your internet security. If you get an email from a well-known company such as your bank or a social media site, do not click on any links in the email. Hackers pose as legitimate companies to lead you to enter passwords and other personal information. The best way to avoid this is to enter the URL manually. If the email seems suspicious, you can report it or call the company and find out if the email was legitimate.

3. Clicking on Pop-Ups

It is not difficult to compromise your security online. Harmful software can be installed just by clicking on a pop-up. Maintain safe internet practices by avoiding these at all costs.

4. Downloading Free Software

It can be tempting to download a program from the internet that offers what you need for free. When users make the mistake of downloading software that poses a security threat, it is often presented as “security software”. Since there is some free software available online that is not dangerous, you can protect yourself by doing a bit of quick research and only downloading from reputable sites. Check out our Products page to find out which hardware and software products are ensuring system reliability in our customers’ IT environments.

5. Neglecting to Update Software

To expand on the previous point, it is not enough to just install reliable security software. It must stay updated in order to effectively protect you from new threats that are released every day.

Taking these basic steps to protect yourself from online threats can greatly decrease the likelihood of cyber attacks. If you are concerned about your system’s security, visit our Services page to find out what we offer to protect our clients.

Contact us to learn more about protecting your personal information online.

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