When it comes to cyber threats, attackers follow the same formula. Typically, cyber criminals will rely on the fastest and easiest means to the biggest reward, and this year won’t be any different. Despite technological advances, there is very little that changes faster than the cyber security landscape. As businesses eliminate one threat, multiple threats always seem to follow. Fortunately, the events of 2018 have left us with a trail of clues for the types of major cyber threats we can expect to see in the coming year.
In 2019, the exploitation of the underground market that allows cyber criminals to develop the effectiveness of their products will only expand. The security industry will need to respond quicker and more efficiently than ever before as the tactics used by ransomware developers escalate.
So, what types of cyber threats can you expect to see in the next 12 months? Read on to learn about some of the trends and activities that may affect your business this year.
Five Security Threats to Watch Out For
- IoT Attacks: With little to no protection, IoT targeted attacks are sure to ramp up this year. For instance, we may see an increase in the exploitation of home-based Wi-Fi routers and other poorly protected consumer devices. An even greater threat is an attack on kinetic objects such as cars and other critical systems. Therefore, it’s imperative for the IoT industry to utilize more innovative security solutions in the future in order to divert such large-scale and dangerous cryptojacking efforts.
- AI Exploitation: Many business operations already use AI-powered systems to help automate manual tasks and assist with other human activities. However, AI systems are home to substantial amounts of data making them easy targets to attack. Some AI technologies are also extremely fragile and thus, can ultimately be used to benefit criminal activities.
- Ransomware: While the reports of ransomware attacks decreased in the previous year, you should expect more targeted attacks on the horizon. Now, cryptojacking malware is being administered toward enterprise networks. Mobile devices will be particularly vulnerable to ransomware as we move forward into the New Year.
- Business Email Compromise: Once attackers take control over an executive’s email address, they can assume the identity of a senior employee and issue time-sensitive requests to various parties within the organization. These requests can include wire or data transfers. This fraudulent activity is known as Business Email Compromise and could surpass a loss of $1 billion this year alone.
- Software Supply Chain Attacks: One of the most targeted areas is the software supply chain. At the vendor or third-party supplier, attackers will implant malware into seemingly legitimate software packages. When users implement the software package, their computer will become automatically infected, opening a gateway for cyber criminals. In 2019, expect these types of attacks to grow and become increasingly more sophisticated.
Protect Your Business with Our World-Class IT Security Solutions
Every year, cyber criminals and organizations are developing more ruthless, sophisticated, and targeted attacks. At GlassHouse Systems, our innovative IBM and Cisco Security products and services can preemptively secure your system to protect your most critical data. Our technical experts provide device incident management and remediation, security intelligence, and complete data protection. The increased complexity of cyber threats in 2019 is no match for our experience in providing our clients with the latest and most effective security solutions every year.
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