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Cybersecurity Statistics You Need to Know


The cybersecurity industry is rapidly developing. Even though a number of resources are deployed to mitigate cyber attacks each year, the industry still has a lot of catching up to do. Cybersecurity breaches remain a huge threat to businesses of all sizes and appear in the headlines around the world on a weekly basis. While no company is truly safe from cyber attacks, current cybersecurity statistics not only highlight the impact on your company’s bottom line but also reveal extremely valuable lessons that can help organizations improve IT security strategies.

With the adoption of cloud and mobile-based technologies, the threat landscape has significantly expanded. Today, tremendous efforts are taken to ensure the safety and security of corporate data, but managing cyber risk involves more than a standard application of controls to detect and prevent internal threats. In the age of IoT, there is no escaping the internet. Therefore, to better pinpoint vulnerabilities and increase cybersecurity awareness, it is critical for your security team to understand the recent statistics around data security breaches outlined below.   

Increase Your Security Awareness with these Data Breach Statistics for 2019 in Mind

  • 3,800 data breaches occurred in the first six months of 2019: If you think this is a staggering number, that’s because it is. The number of data breaches only increased by less than 200 cases every year between 2015 and 2018. The first half of 2019 saw a 54% increase in data breach incidents with numbers steadily climbing as the year draws to a close.
  • Half of all cyber attacks target small business owners: When we say that no business is safe from cyber threats, this includes small businesses. In reality, small businesses make up to 13% of the entire cybersecurity market, yet only invest on average less than $500 USD in cybersecurity each year.
  • Organizations experience an average of 4 data breaches each year: A new survey found that over the last year, 80% of organizations stated that they have experienced at least one data breach incident that was damaging enough it required a board-level meeting. Additionally, roughly 20% of companies surveyed claimed they get hit six or more times annually.
  • On average, it takes 279 days for companies to identify and address a cybersecurity breach: Cyber criminals are able to carry out attacks that go undetected for so long because they can easily identify the gaps within your infrastructure. This results in a significant loss of data with an average of $150 for each lost record. With the introduction of hybrid and cloud environments, visibility is even more challenging. That’s why it is imperative for businesses to have the right tools at their disposal that help detect and resolve threats in real time.
  • Damages could total $6 trillion by 2021: With an estimated cost of $6 trillion in losses by 2021, damages will cost more than all the natural disasters combined that occur within a year.

Protect Your Business with Managed Security Services from GlassHouse Systems

Keeping tabs on the latest cybersecurity statistics is a good starting point. Acting on this information and investing in protection against cyber threats by working with a managed IT security provider is even better. At GlassHouse Systems, we can help you manage your cyber security strategy while removing the complexities and reducing the operating costs of your IT environment. With over 25 years of experience in providing infrastructure, security and managed services solutions to our clients across North America, we have the knowledge and skills to deliver tailored IT solutions based on your unique business goals.

Contact us to learn more about the statistics and how our comprehensive cybersecurity solutions can help your business. We welcome your questions and feedback. Please leave a comment below.

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