Homeland Security Unveils Cyber Security Strategy



Security has become about much more than just protecting our credit card numbers or consumer information. It has progressed to encompass government agencies and information pertinent to the safety of nations as a whole. According to a May article released by Reuters, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has just announced its intention to use new strategies to combat the growing virtual threat to national security.

These strategies are the product of a five-year report assessing and identifying a number of security breaches that exposed everything from a weakness in the US national voting system to the private information of government employees. Their findings were troubling enough to shed light on some of the more sophisticated threats to cyber security on a broad number of virtual platforms, leading businesses to re-examine their virtual safety and to mirror some of the changes adopted by the DHS.

What Companies Can Learn from the DHS Advances

The US government has some of the most advanced cyber security capabilities in the world. They have the ability to contract with industry leaders and understand the need to protect sensitive information.

In a May 15 statement, the Department of Homeland Security Secretary, Kirstjen Nielsen hammered this point home, saying, “In an age of brand-name breaches, we must think beyond the defense of specific assets — and confront systemic risks that affect everyone from tech giants to homeowners. Our strategy outlines how DHS will leverage its unique capabilities on the digital battlefield to defend American networks and get ahead of emerging cyber threats.”

Some of the newly unveiled security strategies that companies may want to consider include:

  • Identifying and assessing new and ever-changing cyber security risks
  • Find weak spots in the virtual framework and strengthen them accordingly
  • Reinforce and protect infrastructure
  • Eliminate cyber security threats at their source—going on the offensive
  • Establish effective damage control for security breaches
  • Share and gather information from industry leaders in order to constantly update and advance security
  • Work with third parties who have an advanced level of expertise in areas of cyber security

In the age of the small business and global interconnectivity, it has become pertinent to assess third party resources and to utilize their services. This is particularly true in the areas of cyber security and data breach response.

Taking the Next Step Towards Global Cyber Security

It’s important for businesses of all sizes to take consumer and employee cyber security as seriously as the government takes its own. A data breach at a domestic level can damage a business on a smaller scale, but the effects are just as disastrous.

GlassHouse Systems can help bring your business to the next level. We constantly strive to stay abreast of innovative new strategies employed by top agencies in the US, Canada and worldwide, and apply these to eliminate cyber threats. Call us today and experience the future of cyber security.

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