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Internet of Things: Fact vs. Fiction


The Internet of Things (IoT) has been growing steadily in recent years. In the last five years, consumer spending on IoT solutions has skyrocketed and continues to rise. Despite its mounting popularity, there are still many misconceptions that remain around what the benefits are and how best to implement these new technologies. Consequently, focusing on these misconceptions can lead your business to miss out on discovering the true innovation of IoT.

Make sure that your business does not fall into this trap. Read on to learn how to separate IoT fact from IoT fiction. Identifying and debunking these common myths will ultimately allow your business to experience the full potential of IoT.

Debunking 4 Common IoT Myths

  1. The Main Purpose is to Connect Devices: While connecting your devices is a large component of IoT, it’s not everything. IoT is all about capturing and analyzing the data these connected devices generate. Through data collection, businesses can gain valuable insights and make better decisions based on this information.
  2. It is Not a Secure Technology: Autonomous machinery is nothing to be afraid of, nor will it pass your information into the hands of Big Brother. While the threat of hacker attacks is a real concern, IoT security has also become a high priority for security vendors, enterprises and device makers. If everyone takes responsibility, IoT can be an extremely safe and secure tool.
  3. The Focus is on Consumer Devices: While household appliances are often what people think of when they hear the phrase “Internet of Things”, the largest opportunity for IoT is in the business world. Tailored IoT strategies can help your business become more efficient and effective at solving major problems and therefore, add value to your organization.
  4. It is too Costly and Complex to Implement: This may be the most damaging myth when it comes to IoT. In reality, IoT deployment is a highly scalable technology and is feasible for SMEs. Thanks to open platforms and low-cost sensors, IoT solutions are a flexible and cost-effective option for any business.

Propel Your Business Into the Future with GlassHouse Systems

IoT is the way of the future. At GlassHouse Systems (GHS), we can help push your business even further with our industry leading IT products and services. We believe that combining strong skills, products and partnerships are the key to providing our clients with reliable, high-quality service. Founded 25 years ago by a team of experienced engineers, GHS is proud to offer award-winning solutions to support a wide range of systems and platforms.

Contact us or leave a comment below to learn more about the benefits of IoT technology for both consumer and business sectors. GlassHouse Systems has all your insight on IT trends, Security, Automation and more. Find out how we can help your enterprise today.

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