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How to Stay Protected from Unfamiliar Computer Viruses


You may already be aware of the standard forms of malware such as viruses, spyware and phishing scams. However, technological advancements have changed the way cybercriminals operate in today’s internet landscape. They use tactics that allow them to fly even lower under the radar to retrieve your personal information. Consequently, you may be unfamiliar with newly emerging forms of malware, leaving you extremely vulnerable to a loss of critical data.

Data breaches and ransomware reports constantly appear in the headlines. That’s because online threats never stop. Cybercriminals will always be looking to take advantage of individuals and corporations. Fortunately, understanding what type of malware you are dealing with can help you stay ahead of the threats to your online security.

Read on to learn more about the ways you didn’t know you could get hacked or be exposed to malware, so you can take quick action against it and protect your information.

5 Lesser Known Ways Your Computer Could be Attacked

  1. Social Media Scams: On social media, users may be directed through “click bait”, to a website that asks you to fill out a survey before you can access the content. This form of malware, called “Grayware”, collects the information you input and sells it to other cybercriminals who use this data to break into your personal accounts. Social media users should take caution when clicking on unfamiliar links or downloads.
  2. Mobile Ransomware: While ransomware on computers is not uncommon, targeted attacks through mobile devices is a new method for criminals to access your data. Users contract ransomware by visiting an infected site which automatically downloads the malicious app to the phone. If your phone becomes infected, do not pay the fee. By regularly backing up your phone, you can restore the contents from your most recent back up.
  3. Online Gaming Attacks: The gaming world has become a new target for cybercriminals. This type of malware will not affect you financially but it will effectively wipe out your gaming inventory. Hackers will then sell these items in your inventory to other users in the network. To avoid this threat, always enable antivirus programs when playing online games and never share your login credentials.
  4. Browser Extensions: Add-ons such as browser extensions are a popular tool used while surfing the web. However, some of these extensions could be stealing your information by injecting adware into the sites that you visit. Unlike other forms of malware, adware may not affect your critical data but it does create a significant privacy concern.
  5. Exploit Kits: If your software has not been updated, exploit kits will find security holes within it and insert malware onto your computer. Users may fall victim to these exploit kits by clicking on legitimate online advertisements that are embedded with malicious codes. Avoid this malware by ensuring your software is always up-to-date.

GlassHouse Systems is Your Leading Managed Security Services Provider

Threats to your online security can appear in all different shapes and sizes and you may not always be aware of them. Recognized with industry-leading awards each year, GlassHouse Systems provides consistent, high-quality products and services to protect your most critical data. Led by a team of knowledgeable and experienced engineers, we rely on the most advanced security analytics platform that is available today to successfully manage your security needs. Our services include 24/7/365 breach response assistance, monitoring, co-management and more.

Contact us or leave a comment below to learn more about all the ways your computer could get a virus or be hacked. For outstanding security managed solutions, work with the experts at GlassHouse Systems.

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